Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Minn and Jake

This story has amazed me. This is the kind of book I would have read in my childhood. So far with Janet Wong she provides great meaning to stories and teaches children lessons in her stories. Specifically the concept of creating two different people and have them become friends is creative idea. I am also liking that the book is separated in chapters. This gives kids a feeling that they are reading a mature book like an adult, which encourages them to keep reading.


Becca said...

i agree. i like that, no matter there differences in interests/hobbies that they can still be friends.

René Saldaña, Jr. said...

Matt: as a matter of fact, this sort of friendship in spite of the differences is one of the themes I began noting in the margins. It's a huge theme.

Aspiring Teacher: said...

I like your comment on how the book being separated into chapters would give kids the feeling that they were reading a grown-up book. Now, that we are working to be teachers we need to be more open-minded about the way we see things. This is a good observation.